Recent Happenings

Savannas of Apalachicola Nat. Forest, Liberty County - June 23, 2024

Ten Sarracenias and a guest gathered in southern Liberty County in Apalachicola National Forest to look in on summer wildflowers of the wet prairies. Knowing the heat could be intensive by midday, the group stepped off into the first prairie while the morning was tender. In the diverse suite of plants observed in their flowering were both of the endangered species that had most whetted our anticipation —white-birds-in-a-nest (Macbridea alba) and night-flowering petunia (Ruellia noctiflora). The elegant snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea) and the dainty pale grasspink orchid (Calopogon pallidus) also delighted us, and the iconic yellow pitcherplant (Sarracenia flava) of particular meaning for the Chapter was prominent in the scene. The party got out of the sun by 11 AM, most then resorting to the Hickory Landing recreation site to picnic together.

Photos below courtesy of Sandy Tedder.

white-birds-in-a-nest (Macbridea alba)

Above: white-birds-in-a-nest (Macbridea alba)

pale grasspink orchid (Calopogon pallidus)

Above: pale grasspink orchid (Calopogon pallidus)

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Published on  July 15th, 2024